Friday 11 October 2013

AT&T Launches The Kid Friendly Smartwatch FiLIP - It Keeps Parents Connected In Emergency

The smartwatch trend does not show any signs of fading away. We saw companies like Pebble starting the trend with modest smartwatches and soon bigwigs like Sony and Samsung came into the smartwatch market with Sony Smartwatch2 and Galaxy Gear. As we await smartwatches from Apple and Google there is an unusual entrant with even interesting target audience. American telecommunications giant AT&T has partnered with FiLIP technologies to bring FiLIP smartwatch for kids by which their parents can keep an eye on them at all times and ensure that they are safe. The smartwatch will be coupled with a smartphone app by which parents can view the location of their kids at any time and send them text messages. The positioning function does not rely just on GPS but also on Wi-Fi and cell tower triangulation. The app also gives you entry and exit notifications for preset safe zones for places like school or playground. Since the FiLIP smartwatch is a two-way GSM phone, parents can set in five contacts to which the kid can make calls.

FiLIP 1. ​

If an emergency situation arises, the child can hit the panic button for more than three seconds which will send a text message to all the five contacts with his/her location; it will also record ambient audio and call the preferred emergency contact. If the call to the first contact fails, it will try all the contacts one by one and if the calls don’t make it through it rings up the local emergency authorities. As we await the pricing and availability details, we surely hope it’s an affordable security solution for concerned parents everywhere.

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