Friday 11 October 2013

This building-top ring turbine would be ideal for Indian homes

With the Indian government going almost clueless about providing 24x7 electric supply to Indian homes, the only solution to have uninterrupted access to power is to create our own. The pic below shows a ring turbine that can be easily mounted on the top of building and generate power for your needs. Peace Frontier had built a prototype wind-powered generator using ring turbine back in 2011. It has a rotating outer-rotor generator with a coil inside, and magnets outside. The design eliminates the need of wide areas required for mounting and even the problem of low-frequency/noise ratio when the rotational speed is low. 

The ring turbine makes the path of wind-flow narrower, which makes the wind to flow faster through it. It also creates eddies and increases the force in the direction of rotation. The overall effect is that the efficiency of conversion is higher. The wind turbine shown above can generate sufficient electricity even with the wind speeds of about 3-4 meters per second. One big advantage of this turbine is that it is almost noiseless. The design also protects birds or people getting hurt accidentally. 

The turbine can be mounted very quickly and easily on the building roofs. The Peace Frontier is now looking to install these turbines in schools and other office buildings. The plan is also to mount these on mobile towers and even in jungles for quicker access to electricity. Check out the video that describes these machines.

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