Monday 21 October 2013

Ready for 100 Gbps wireless Internet? [PS: It's world's first!]

Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute Of Technology in Baden-Württemberg have managed to achieve the unthinkable : 100 Gbps data transfer rate over wireless connection. The achievement ensures their entry into the book of world records. So far 100 Gbps has been achieved over fiber cables but we had not seen those speeds with wireless connections. The research engineers at the KIT used sub-terahertz waves at 237.5 GHz to transfer data at the rate of 100 Gb/s over a distance of about 20 meters. The experiment was a single-input and single-output one but promises multiple data streams at a higher bandwidth. With this advancement, researchers have paved a way towards a wireless feature, totally eliminating the need of fiber lines and copper wires for Internet connections and networks. 

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The research team had earlier achieved data transfer rates of about 40 Gbps over a distance of 1 Km, as a part of their Millilink project funded by BMBF. In the latest experiment, they relied on a photonic method to transmit radio waves. Professor Ingmar Kallfass says that their project aimed at integrating broadband relay link into FiOS since the beginning of this year. 

100 Gbps wireless links would mean you'll be able to transfer all the data stored on about 5 DVDs or 2 Blu-Ray discs to another storage media in just about 2 flat seconds! 

It's not clear what would be the obstacles in mass adoption of this technology. We believe the weather conditions would definitely have an effect on the data transmission rates; but we'd leave that to all the telecommunications engineers on CE to discuss. 

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