Friday 11 October 2013

John McAfee Developing “D-Central” To Block NSA Snooping

Edward Snowden’s public disclosure of PRISM program by NSA has caused uproar among privacy enthusiasts worldwide. As the US government is trying to justify its move, people are now working on getting themselves out of NSA’s purview. Taking a big step forward in blocking NSA access, antivirus software founder John McAfee has unveiled his plan to create a gadget called that can create a decentralised network between smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Speaking at San Jose McEnery Convention Center last weekend he gave out some details on his project titled “D-Central”

John McAfee.JPG ​

The “D-Central” will be priced at less than 100 US dollars and will create small private networks backed by a un-hackable encryption system created by McAfee himself through which multiple users can send and receive files and communicate among themselves across various devices. This localized dynamic network however will not be replacing the Internet as its range will be limited to about the radius of three blocks. McAfee predicts that his system will be popular among college students who would want this system to share copyrighted content like they did with Napster. McAfee is almost six months away from developing a prototype and is now seeking help from OEMs to assist him with the hardware. Addressing media queries regarding the nefarious use of this invention, McAfee stated that the same thing also applies to other modes of communication such as telephone. Since this gadget is specifically targeted to go against the will of the US government he predicts that it would probably get banned in America and if that does happen he would sell it in other countries.

Now as the debate on snooping by government authorities rages on, here is my question to all CEans. Can we really communicate in private over the internet?

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